Every Spring I have the opportunity to travel to Jefferson Barracks Cemetery in St. Louis Missouri with the Air Force ROTC. The trip always brings to the surface humility, gratefulness, respect, honor, thankfulness, and a bit of sadness. This year was quite bittersweet.
Americans especially our youth need to be reminded of what our Service men and women have fought so hard to protect. Our liberty and freedom. Our founding fathers fought for our freedom-- willing to lay their life down for it- I wonder who in office would now.
Our government needs to get back to the Constitution of the United States. I pray God won’t completely remove himself from our country even though so many Americans have turned from Him.
I hope that Americans realize that as a dear friend and Colonel of the Air Force put it:
“We need to understand our country was founded on Christian principles and faith of our Father but we (America) honor and receive all people of all beliefs. One does not have to be omitted to have the other”.
So, as I walk by two grave sites of two young brothers who died within six months of each other and think of the mother who grieves-- I pray Americans will again come together to serve other Americans, their country and the world as so many Americans throughout our history have.