fanci that
January 9, 2013
September 27, 2009
Notes from the St. Charles Trade Show

I am blessed the St. Charles TNNA Show is in my backyard (almost). This year, because I am working as a consultant more for other companies I had no need of a booth, so, I got to work the show, walk the show and spend time with friends I have had for over 15 years. Visiting fiber and embellishment booths (co.) are by far my favourite-- I suppose because I am also so inspired by color and texture.
My FAVE products from the show are the over dyed metallics from ThreadworX (sooo cool and stunning) and the new wool from Weeks Dye Works. Her color palette is beautiful. I love just holding fiber.
I met an absolutely wonderful, sweet lady---Linda from The Primitive Needle's, Mother. She is just a dear. We chatted for a bit during the lag of the day.
As for new patterns, you all have seen them, because it seems they are posted online prior to the shows these days. In the "old" days it used to be the designers waited to release any pics until after the show.
I posted a photo of the metallics from ThreadworX today. The photo does not do it justice. Tomorrow will be Weeks Wool.
Please feel free to send me an email or comment if you have any questions about the show...
May 29, 2009
Close to a perfect day

Part of today was a "time to myself day" I had the luxury of: Strolling ( and shopping a bit) along Main St. in St. Charles, Missouri, visiting the cross stitch shop on Main street, and eating at Cracker Barrel. For a few hours of the day I felt a bit of simplicity to life again. The weather was sunny and a perfect 81 degrees with no humidity too.
The best part of the day was when I was shopping in my favorite St. Charles store: Main Street Marketplace. It has all sorts of items from there own dipping and barbeque sauces to the perfect gifts for Mom and friends. It was a female's heaven today (see above photo) I tasted every sauce and dip they had to sample, and they hd them ALL out. However, it wasn't the tasting that was the best, it was the wonderful kindess of the owner. You see, they do not take credit/debit cards! (Truly an olde marketplace). The reason being their average sale is 2.00! Yep that is how reasonable the prices are at Main Street Marketplace. The banks really sock it to the small business owner.
As I was checking out the owner kindly pointed to the sign stating "no cards..." Anyway, I did not have enough cash on me and I don't carry checks with me, so, I was out of luck. No purchase for me. After all that tasting too. Before I could say anything other than I have no checks , The owner (Skip) bagged up my purchase, handed me my package, gave me his address and said to mail the check to him. Mine was definitely more than a 2.00 purchase. He actually insisted on it.
I am so thankful for the people who are kind everyday. They renew my faith in Americans, mankind, and he was also a lovely example of a person who works and lives based on what this country is founded on-- Freedom and trust.
I must say, I have been extra joyful today and have been reminded how important be kind to another truly is--His kindess made my meal at Cracker Barrel all the more "back in the day"--
Mainstreet Marketplace has a web site--YAY! I am going to definitely frequent the site. The sauces and dips are all incredible as are the decorations, gifts, coffee...
May 25, 2009
Memorial & Honor

I pray today for all our families who have lost a loved one, for all our armed service members both veterans and currently serving as well as their families. I pray for our country and the freedom and liberty so many have fought for. I hope each of you take a moment this Memorial Day to honor our armed service families, members and veterans too.
Trivia for today: CIVIL WAR GRAVES--The rounded grave top is a Civil War Union Soldier grave stone and the pointed grave top is a Civil War Confederate Soldier grave stone.
Grave stone of Peter Navvaro, son of a family who lost two of their sons' within 6 months of each other. The survivng son, Kevin is a class mate of Peter (my oldest). You can see the AF JROTC patch on the ground. My heart goes out to their mother today. SHe visits their grave sites (right next to each other at Jefferson Barracks) every single day.
Colonel Michael Berenc USAF(left) and Master Sergeant Dave Cugier USAF (right) are veterans our family honors today. I so thankful they have been a part of my sons' lives. They have taught my boys the importance of love of country, leadership, respect, intergrity, honor, community service and so much more. They are men ofexceptional character.
Peter in one of his last moments in AFJROTC, now it's on to the big one.
Cross stitch photos are of the pattern Long May She Wave from Fanci That. Slated for publication again this summer.
May 3, 2009
Respect and Remember
Every Spring I have the opportunity to travel to Jefferson Barracks Cemetery in St. Louis Missouri with the Air Force ROTC. The trip always brings to the surface humility, gratefulness, respect, honor, thankfulness, and a bit of sadness. This year was quite bittersweet.
Americans especially our youth need to be reminded of what our Service men and women have fought so hard to protect. Our liberty and freedom. Our founding fathers fought for our freedom-- willing to lay their life down for it- I wonder who in office would now.
Our government needs to get back to the Constitution of the United States. I pray God won’t completely remove himself from our country even though so many Americans have turned from Him.
I hope that Americans realize that as a dear friend and Colonel of the Air Force put it:
“We need to understand our country was founded on Christian principles and faith of our Father but we (America) honor and receive all people of all beliefs. One does not have to be omitted to have the other”.
So, as I walk by two grave sites of two young brothers who died within six months of each other and think of the mother who grieves-- I pray Americans will again come together to serve other Americans, their country and the world as so many Americans throughout our history have.
May 24, 2008
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